This site
is a labor of love. 100% Listener Supported. While we have put a lot
of our time and effort into it, this site could not exist with the
help of the following people. Maximum love, respect and gratitude
to all of you.
Dan Kramer (we all owe you so much)
Richard from
(our inspiration)
Johan at
Kawai (for 1,000,000 things and counting, we couldn't
do it without you!)
Bruce, Keith, & Wolf (thanks for your generosity
with your T-1)
Wolf and Sarge (you guys have taught us so much about servers)
Gilles Bacon (Site Design, Inspiration and Support)
Matt Schalit (Matt gave us some of our first shows, he also keeps the love alive on etree)
Wonder Knack (for use of images and giving us
our second home (the Music
Message Board at
Gina and Catherine at Guerrilla Management (for
all they do.)
Johan,Gabe, Kenny, Goeff, Jonatan at KALW, Chris, Chris,
and Chris (for contributions to the archive)
Jennifer Willis (for putting up with me)
Tige (for such wonderful sound board mixes of
shows past)
Versace (for wonderful sound board mixes of shows
Spearits (family wherever you go...)
and most of all
Michael Franti and Spearhead
Your music keeps us lifted everyday!
all about 'do you love?